One must remember that Lucifer was originally an angel of light. The problem with evil is that it is a corrupt imitation of good. Good can exist without evil but evil requires good for its existence. Corruption requires something to corrupt. That is definitive evil and despite the charade of appearances, mediocrity prevails.
This may be deemed as the operating system in which the following scams function upon. Deceit may reign but it may not be apparent. Hypocrisy prevails and the public regard of men is placed above the favor of God. Lying operates through subtle means of manipulation. Intent is shrouded through a packaged acclaim of marketing and fanfare. The charade of holiness prevails. Most or all of these facets operate through all of the scams. One must remember that evil imitates the good. Good people may do some of these things, but the dividing line comes through the intent of the heart and the fulfillment of the actions. Be skeptical in observation and slow to judge. In fearing deceit, one may be deceived.
Aiding the poor becomes a public event filled with bombast and all eyes watching. The world is attentive as you go about the business of tending your good heart. Praise is received and it must come like a drug, otherwise so many narcissists would not be doing these things.
Blinded by the motives of their endeavors, they never grasp the futility of appearing holy before men. It is senseless and hypocritical to the claims of Scripture. It should be a fearful thing to mask intent beneath a God that knows all, see all, is all powerful, and so forth. Against this setting, does not whoring the Gospel to appease one's vanity seem a tad stupid and insane. Prostitution from the pulpit comes in many forms and the vehicle that transfers them is the lie to the self which enables one to also lie to others and God. If one loved God, they would not break His heart with such things. If one feared God, they would not dare to mar His countenance with mere scams.
Elevating a holy appearance to the extreme is looking super holy and that is what the cultic do. Halfway houses that will take in those that are Faithless or new Believers. Those within a serious walk for a long time are avoided because they can call their bluff. Narcissism may creep into one's thinking, but it is not a perfect delirium. An awareness of the truth still lingers, despite the interior claims of a divided mind. Scripture stands alone and it is not to be mixed with ego and all else.Their hearts may have began in the right place, but without accountability, those hearts drift into corruption. It does not matter if they do or do not admit to awareness, God knows.
Cultic practices taint the foundation of new Believers. Should they leave the halfway house, they could easily fall apart without their leader. Unstable foundations allow a drifting faith that becomes the trouble among your steps. The confusion of what is going on is probably lost on them. Narcissism has its own spell and an understanding of the matter will not allow confusion to abound. All of this lies on dangerous ground because idolatry is a two-way street. The dependency upon the leader is built into the program because this insures that they are kept with an artificial loyalty that borders on the effects of drug use.
The Cultic type has already installed a loose network set-up for surveillance as extended supervision taken to a paranoid level. Matters are acted upon as gossip being used as a form of remote control. The person will be surrounded by friends of the leader and tabs are always placed upon the person. Tabs reclaim the convert or punish the pet for running away.
The pet will endure relentless shaming before he is allowed back into the fold. When redemption comes and ‘all is forgiven’, the pet is relieved because the contrast of stark extremes makes it seem more special than what it is. It is a form of special effects that is misleading.
The maneuver of applying bandages instead of healing wounds is filling only some of the poor’s listed needs instead of all of them. This insures a consistent audience and this purpose is administered as an imitation of addiction. Should one question the leader doling out favors, one hears the usual excuses of no money, the board must approve, I forgot, I was not listening, and so forth. The healed never return and you would lose the leverage of calling them lazy. If one is a narcissist, then the loss of Narcissist Supply occurs as well. In truth, you need complete tools to escape destitution. Love is the best tool and that is a rarity. Money comes second and the greed for that is why love has become the rarity.
Another method is to always be in the process of building something. You do not want to finish anything. You just want to remain in the process of building. Others must see these building endeavors because they think that their money is being used wisely and thus they will donate more money. If something is finished, they may not donate because they do not see any work getting done. It is the process, not the product that lures in the money.
The impoverished and the homeless have become a commodity within a cottage industry. You do not actually want them to get anywhere, you just want to give them the hope to keep them trying. They are free and cheap labor. They also give the reason for a charity/ministry’s existence. If one does too good of a job, then they all go away because they have lives now. One desires to keep things lukewarm and middle of the road. You always want the donations to keep coming in. Every now and then, someone will be lifted up as a show of the organization’s endeavors. The subject may have a built-in fail-safe so that he will return to poverty. He may be struggling with addiction or anger and without the constant support of the organization, he will sabotage himself into returning to poverty. The donations continue and the organization looks like the victim. They may instill a few new rules or add a few extra hoops to jump through.
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