The Director is on vacation and this is the B-Team. These ladies exhibit some fine bureaucratic thinking. Since I did not go to the hospital, they are giving me a referral to go to Highway 80 in Longview. They claim that my dropping out unnerved everyone. None of the residents seem unnerved. The ladies in charge seem unnerved. This is all rubbish and I feel seriously manipulated because bucks are being passed. They think that they are protecting themselves. This is pathetic, I ask the lady in charge if their actions were Scriptural. Blowing me off was her response. Sooo, is this a church or just another government subsidy.

I want to avoid drugs and crime and they want to send me to Longview. Longview is chock full of crime and drugs. I go to Gateway and the person in charge is off today. The lady in charge at the Salvation Army is not having it. Telling me that they gave me a ‘referral’ is bureaucratic whitewash. In their minds, their conscience is clean and the problem is solved for them.

This place is so full of it. What is even more sad is that I gave them all my web sites, I wonder if any read them? This place is a scam. I wonder if they get government subsidies in regard to the bodies that they pack into the place. They get rid of me and pass me off to Highway 80. They get another government subsidy with my replacement. Highway 80 gets whatever by whoever I am replacing. Everyone is happy except that the people that they are supposed to help.

The day before, I was told that I am to leave on January 3, 2017. Today is December 28, 2016 and this morning they tell me that I have to leave today. As I check out of the place, one my friends is about to collapse because his blood sugar is low. The irony is not lost on me. I wonder if they are pathetic enough to kick him out too. The irony is that he and I volunteered to clean the place for free when everyone else was asleep. I wonder if these people are fascists? I do not have to wonder if they are manipulators.

I sleep in front of their church for a few nights. On the second morning of this camping trip, one of the maintenance men discover me. He asks why I decided to sleep there. The reason why is that there are always cops around here. I trust cops. Nevertheless, they do not want me to do that because of liability issues. 

On December 30, the temperature is below forty degrees. I check back in because of inclimate weather. I make sure that I clean at night. I catch up on my sleep. I feel better since I am not sleeping in the elements. I stay Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I spent New Year’s Eve here and it was not so bad. One of the desk people ordered out for pizzas. There are those that get it. It was actually a good time and definitely better than I expected. For a moment, that facility ambience was gone and the place seemed human. It is amazing what a little love can accomplish. Too bad there is not more like her. Love is the root of the problem to this place. 

It is raining on Monday morning. I expected to be kicked out again. I did not expect them to kick out a lot of other people as well. It is as if there is a mass exodus of refugees. Does anyone find it disturbing that so many people are booted out into the rain? None of it matters because there will be new bodies to replace us. It does not matter that none of this matches the agreed upon ‘leave-dates’ that were given to so many people. It does not matter if any progress had been made. Let us keep those government subsidies rolling. This is not a charity, this is business. The business is how to collect money while you slowly build a ‘slave class’ of people. If you have a bad day, go kick the poor. 

I am reasonably sure that they have some kind of government subsidy scheme with Sanderson Farms because they have a bus that takes people to Sanderson Farms. No one does this out of the goodness of their hearts. Also, the clinical idiot advocate was all but screaming at me to go to Sanderson Farms. That would be so cool to work there. I could drop out on the conveyer belt and one day I could be part of their chicken products. In one fell swoop, so many people could experience cannibalism. 

“Soylet Green is people!”

(‘Chuck’ Heston from the film: ‘Solylet Green’)

Please research your charities before you give a dime. Look for their paperwork. Ask people who has gone behind closed doors. Otherwise, you are throwing away your money and good intent. In turn, you are helping to build a slave class of people. Poverty is dangerous like that. If the bottom ever falls out of your life and no one loves you, you are so screwed. I know because I have been used and passed from one ministry to the next. Do not give the Salvation Army a dime until they change their ways. The place is probably a corporation. Do you mindlessly give money to AT&T?  

I believe that at one time, The Salvation Army was probably a good idea. That is so because it made up for the things that Christians stopped doing. What Christians stopped doing was looking out for their fellow man. All of this is detailed in the previous post: ‘Losing The American Church’. However, money flows as time passes. The Salvation Army claims to be a church and yet it receives government funding. One usually hears about the separation of church and state from the left wing of American politics. Keeping government away from corrupting the pulpit is usually proclaimed by the right wing of the spectrum. However, if a church is receiving government funding, then that church most likely must obey what the government decrees and oftentimes that clashes with the decree of Scripture. Scripture states that it is ‘Christ alone’. The Faith does not mix with anything. When it is mixed, the outcome usually becomes an abomination of original intent. The world does not need another diluted truth contrived from a mixed intent. Scripture states that one can not serve two masters. That should be upheld.

by El-Pooh!  

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