In 2012, Texas ranked 4th among the states in HIV infections. In 2013, Texas moved up to 3rd place. Texas ranks 13th in primary and secondary syphilis, 12th in gonorrheal infections, 10th in chlamydia infections, and 4th in tuberculosis cases. The East Texas region is 1rst in the state in HIV infections.
In 2012, people with HIV infections and AIDS was 38% in Anderson County, Texas. In 254 Texas counties, Anderson County was on top or near the top of HIV/AIDS percentages. Anderson County consistently trolled the bottom on matters of poverty, health, STD infections, crime rates, unemployment, and how these matters enable to their relation.
There is no education about or support for HIV/AIDS in Anderson County. Fear inhibits the culture and this would enable more people to lie about their HIV status. A 38% HIV/AIDS rate would carry a 5% margin for error and the reasonable sway would fall on the plus side of things. This would give Anderson County a 43% HIV/AIDS rate that is close enough to 50% to call it. Having sex becomes Russian Roulette because one out of two people means that the odds favor infection. One out of every two people that you have sex with means that the odds favor infection. One may sleep around until they sleep themselves to death. Death by sex seems to be a messy and stigmatizing affair. One may be better off fighting in the Middle East if they are concerned about living.
There are few social services, no support systems, and no plan to combat these issues. Condoms are not the magic bullet, but at least that might shave down some of the numbers. Condoms might also stem the rising tide of illegitimate births. The notion of ‘family’ has transformed into establishing a franchise. While Baby Momma is here, Baby Daddy is there and sex becomes a matter of branding and dominion. In a brief time, everyone will become related to each other. The gene pool might require feeding, but that would entail effort. It would be easier to allow incest to become socially acceptable. Then people can get back to the business of appeasing themselves and instilling unnecessary drama into one another’s lives.
Avoiding local politics has been an intentional indifference. The ostrich method of putting one’s head in the sand and hoping that a sad matter may depart seems to be another means to embody fear. Indifference will complete the perimeter of what fear does not encompass. What was once taboo will achieve the numbers back into acceptability. The laze of infiltration will make great strides of breeding influence simply by leaving messes behind while one follows their lusts. The ethical dims beneath the rampant pursuit of whims. Epics abound in the scattering confines of fractured minds. A little inconsistency will overturn worlds and confusion relies on the consistency of doubt to replace one’s footing. This lack of foundational reference also ensues the clash of unfolding dramas. The world turns usually upon its back. Staggering back up means that the sureness of footing is somewhere. Finding that stability requires betrayal to offset those measures. After all, drama requires its own sense of balance and instability has kept the actors in their place.
Drama is everywhere and it is the sad replacement for the mythical notion of romance. Drama seems to be a close approximation of passion. Getting drunk, throwing fits, and a public brawl between lovers would loosely equate to being on par with the affairs of history’s romantic poets. History is a channel that demands a loose attention to detail and a shaky interpretation of reason. Whatever lies in the outer world will also lie to you here. This is how it is done when one is properly fueled with alcohol and methamphetamine. The romance of lovers can be public spectacle for those who dare. It breeds the excitement that is lacking and hangovers ease one out of the need for meaning. In truth, most couples seem like an exercise in co-dependency and another excuse for females to take the reigns. Nature abhors a vacuum and women will step forth when men abandon their strength.
I met a minister during my second abandonment here. He said that a veil of witchcraft smothers Anderson County. I dismissed the idea at first because I thought that he was referring to spells and covens. Then I met someone who did seem to dabble in the notion of spells and I got interested again. I looked up the definition of ‘witchcraft’ in accordance to a Christian world view. That line of sight determined that ‘witchcraft’ can also mean possession and manipulation. There is a lot of manipulation here and now that minister does not seem so full of it.
I had the foolish notion of putting up web site so that I will not be misquoted, nor would I have to repeat myself. I did not take into account that the culture is barely literate. However, it is electronically inclined, disconnected, and reality is a grasp that blurs into another situation. Feuds are redefined and driven by tactics and strategy derived from Facebook. Gossip has become the collective elevation of the self. Reading suddenly comes alive while bad spelling continues to be enabled. Another embodiment of the disconnected has become a foundational cornerstone. More of the ignored become cornerstones simply because no one will throw them away. One must do something with debris and standing on it seems easy.
Gossip is the grease that sustains this place. The shift of opinions maintains the cultural instability that retains the necessary superstition within the natives. I found it odd that the notion of becoming ‘too smart’ is a virtue worth pursuing. Considering that if one believed in I.Q. scores and one also realizes that what we do not know greatly encompasses what we do know. One must understand that the inevitable will remain pure and protected. There is little chance of becoming too smart. If effort does not thwart you, then being shunned by the local social may be the welcome failsafe to insure that the madness beneath method is retained. This is how tradition and culture is preserved. They are just keeping these parts pure and safe from the likes of Einstein ever coming here.
MEAGAN HATTON eaglefeather.honors.unt.edu
2. http://www.homefacts.com/crime/Texas/Anderson-County/Palestine.html
He observed female behavior and put it down, like one thing he said is it is better to live in a desert than a woman who is contentious. basically when it comes to women, He is saying in a modern way, stay away from Modern Feminists and Western Women. the only women he praises are women who have values and want to act feminine and submit and be faithful.
He observed female behavior and put it down, like one thing he said is it is better to live in a desert than a woman who is contentious. basically when it comes to women, He is saying in a modern way, stay away from Modern Feminists and Western Women. the only women he praises are women who have values and want to act feminine and submit and be faithful.
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