It is as if I am touring the local narcissists. I live with them in their natural habitats, I note their behavior, attitude, and habits. The remarkable thing about them is the delirium and banality that is prevalent throughout their grandiose lives. The irony of a great vanity is how little it holds. 
The current residence belongs to Ru-Paul Deux. I cleaned up his garage and that is where I reside. The interior of his house is filthy beyond reproach. I can deal with cleaning up dirt, dust, and machine residue. I can not deal with the liquid scourges of a mammalian nature and the moist residue of aging foods strewn throughout the abode. You lose me when you go liquid from an animate source. His own deplorable hygiene practices merge with the dogs that freely roam inside.  

There  is a magnificent painting of Ru-Paul Deux to the side of the entrance. This crowns the debris that litters every room. The painting is like a glamour shot coated with an oil on velvet veneer. This is paired with a plaque declaring a patent. I thought that the patent was cool. The portrait centers the room in an off-center tilt of vertigo and gravitational chaos. When one enters, the obvious is striking: this is Ru-Paul Deux's world and welcome to it. The convenient thing about delirium is that one does not need purchased ornamentation to fill in the grandeur. One only needs to resort to the delusion of their minds and all of the colors are filled in precisely to their order. The place must appear as a castle from the colored lenses of his perception because I can not get past the filth to see the possibilities of the place. This is the man's castle and man and beast freely roam with little thought of litter or where the waste is deposited. Such glories lie in our mind's eye. 

I knew that Ru-Paul Deux would be a handful. I have always known him to have moments of clarity that punctuates the various conspiracy theories that intrude upon his life. Ru-Paul Deux is around 80 and he could use a consistent wash. The man needs help and I do feel for him. However, experience has shown that you never give a narcissist pity because that is their hook inside your dominion. Fortunately, Ru-Paul Deux is obvious through the outrageous folly of lies that have invaded his reality. 

I had moved stuff into the garage and I have already been ripped off. Ru-Paul Deux has already changed rules on things and I expect more broken promises to follow. I am no longer allowed to do laundry. Naturally, when I was allowed to do laundry, Ru-Paul Deux stood over me. Laundry is a complex endeavor and I am sure that his expertise would be required in a crisis situation. It is either that or Ru-Paul Deux is desperately trying to claim his authority over me. Good luck, because I have no respect for swine. Men who seek dominion above all else are nothing more than swine. Ru_Paul Deux needs to listen more and talk less. I tire of repeating things to him. I am also no longer aloud to use the shower. Ru-Paul Deux prefers that I shower outside. I find this to be a little on the queer side of life. I use the term 'queer' both in its antiquated and modern definition. That is to say that Ru-Paul Deux is odd and there is also a touch of Sodom to his gay and dainty pleasures. I figure that he is desperate and predatory, so he will 'do' anything. That is so gross. Needless to say, there will be no outside showers for Ru-Paul Deux's viewing pleasure. 

Ru-Paul Deux got in my face one day. I could take him in one punch. I could never beat the old and feeble despite any sense of them deserving a sound thrashing. One also gets an extra seven years in prison for doing such things. I agree with the law. However, I should not have told Ru-Paul Deux about the seven years. A little while later, the little coward gets back in  my face and uses that as a threat. I have had enough. I call the Law on him. The Law gets it and all is somewhat well again. 

Ru-Paul Deux still goes out in public in his dirty and disheveled fashion. I have yet to follow him in that trend. He claims that he has set me up with a job. He should have asked for permission before he meddled in my life. I have been through all of this before. Ru-Paul Deux is another idiot that seeks to take advantage of me. I told him that he should watch his behavior because it all goes  online. He did the usual coward thing and threaten me with a lawsuit. What are you going to sue? If I was not dirt poor, then I would not be here. The guy is an idiot with a desperate touch of the 'swish'. This is so typical. Anderson County may never lay claim to being a damn fine manly place to be, not when the men behave as women.

by El-Pooh!  


Anonymous said...

That magnificent painting of Noj to the side of the entrance certainly indicates a narcissistic personality disorder!

Anonymous said...

Noj should be your servant, but who said Life is Fair or Right?